Welcome to our site! If you have a close circle of friends whom you can count on through “thick and thin”, who cheer on your victories and are with you through your valleys, then you know a little something about what it is like to be a Smart Setter. We celebrate friendship! It is the foundation upon which our organization rests, and the thread that runs through all that we do. We have as many things in common as we have that make us different. Whether your greeting is a charming Southern drawl, or laid-back California cool, whether you remember the Ink Spots and Billy Eckstine*, or rock to Beyoncé and Bruno Mars, Smart Setters fit right in among friends who appreciate each other and the uniqueness that each sister brings.
Our site will give you a peek at who we are, some of what we do, and how we came to be. We are grateful to the Freeman family for the use of several works of the artist Robert T. Freeman (including Black Tie) that capture the essence of the social and cultural mores of the American Black renaissance, the era where the club that became The National Smart Set, Inc. has its roots.
We hope you enjoy your visit!
*William Clarence Eckstein’s “stage name”.